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Heartview Finalizes Strategic Plan

Last week, Heartview leadership presented its final, board-approved strategic plan to employees. The plan encompasses the ideas of Heartview's 160 employees, which were captured through surveys and team meetings. The 5-year plan will be put into action through a series of one year work plans to ensure the organization continues to move forward and best serve its patients, employees and the community.


Heartview 5-Year Strategic Plan 

  1. Attract and retain Heartview workforce and contribute to the overall growth of workforce in the field. 
    1. Recruit additional workers with a focus on nurses, Licensed Addiction Counselors, case workers, and residential technicians. 
    2. Improve training opportunities.
    3. Retain current workforce. 
    4. Bolster the addiction workforce through student training opportunities, recruitment through high schools and colleges, and a formal career advancement program for current employees. 
  2. Improve current services and offer additional services to better serve our community.
    1. Improve current clinical services. 
    2. Foster external partnerships and opportunities to reduce stigma for clients and promote additional wrap around services for clients. 
    3. Expand the Dickinson branch to include outpatient services.
  3. Ensure the long-term stability and sustainability of Heartview. 
    1. Enhance internal processes to maximize efficiency and organizational effectiveness. 
    2. Seek out grants and funding for current and new services as available.
    3. Develop Legislator education plan to retain support.